한국학과 Korean Studies


류주한 교수 Ryoo, Joohan

전략경영, 국제경영

학력 New York University (1993, BS: 경영학, 경제학 부전공)
New York University (1997, MA, Media and marketing com.)
University of London (1998, MBA, Eurpean Business)
London School of Economics (2005, PhD. Strategic Management)
경력 United M&A, 삼성전자(기획), 외교통상부(대변인실), 분쟁해결연구소(국무총리실지정 단국대 산하기관)
연구분야 International Business, PMI, Non-market strategy, Market intelligence 외 LG, 한화, 롯데, CJ, 등 국내 대기업 등과 과제 다수 수행, 동아일보 및 동아비즈니스리뷰 등 기고문 100 여편 기고
학회활동 한국경영학회(한), 기업경영학회(한), Association of International Business(미), Strategic Management Society(미), Asia Pacific Business Review (영) 등에서 정회원 및 부편집인으로 활동 중



김유은 명예교수 Kim, Youen





김순자 교수 Kim, Sun-ja





윤성원 교수 Yun, Seong-Won


학력 2009, Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Oklahoma State Univ., USA
경력 2010~2017: Assistant Prof., Global Business Culture, College of Humanity, HYU
2018~Present: Associate Prof., Korean Studies, GSIS, HYU
연구분야 Language Socialization, Cultural Studies, Hallyu, Language Teacher Education
주요논문 Yun, S. (2019). Social meanings and functions of being global K-pop fans. The Journal of Cultural Exchange, 8(1), 5-24.
Yun, S. (2019). An ethnographic case study on characteristics of English for fire and emergency management purposes in a risk assessment course. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 19(6), 1117-1141.
Yun, S. (2017). A study of language use during meditation practice and educational implications. Korean Society for Holistic Convergence Education, 21(4), 63-86.
Yun, S. (2015). An exploratory needs analysis of English for fire and emergency management.  Modern English Education, 16(3), 163-183,
Yun, S. (2014). Critical issues in reflective teaching practices: A case study of twelve Korean in-service English teachers. English Language and Literature Teaching, 20(1), 219-242.
Yun, S. (2014). The effects of peer review of oral presentations in a freshman English course. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 14(3), 147-168.
Yun, S. (2014). Teaching and learning in a university English-mediated course in multicultural and multilingual settings. The Journal of Human Studies, 33, 171-194.
Choi, T. & Yun, S. (2012). English and Chinese speaking strategies of Korean university students. Foreign Languages, 19(4), 53-77.
Yun, S. (2012). “YOUR MAMA” routine among preadolescent Korean boys in America. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 20(2), 313-341.
Yun, S. (2012). Constructing multilayered identity through code-switching: Differences between girls and boys. The Journal of Korean Applied Linguistics, 28(4), 73-99.
Yun, S. (2012). Students’ perceived learning outcomes through writing activities in an EFL university writing course. Modern English Education, 13(3), 21-38.
학회활동 한류연구센터, 한국국제문화교류학회, 한국사회언어학회



정경영 Chung, Kyung-young

겸임 교수

학력  - 2005: PhD in International Politics from University of Maryland 
 - 1981: Master of Science Systems Management from University of Southern California
 - 1989: Master of Military Art & Science from U.S. Army Command & General Staff College
 - 1977: 육군사관학교 국제관계 학사 
경력 - 2003-2012: 국방대.가톨릭대 초빙교수
 - 2012-2015: 사)동북아공동체연구원 부설 동아시아국제전략연구소 소장 
 - 1993-2002: 합참 군사외교,연합사 연합작전. 육본 정책수립
 - 1977-2001: 서부, 중부, 동부전선 지휘관 및 군단, 군, 한미야전사 작전계획 발전  
연구분야 동북아 국제관계, 한미동맹, 북한 군사전략, 분쟁관리 
주요논문 - "Building a Military Security Cooperational Regime in Northeast Asia: Feasibility and Design," PhD Dissertation, University of Maryland (2005). 
 - "An Analysis of ROK-U.S. Military Command Relations from the Korean War to the Seoul Olympic Games," MMAS Thesis, U.S. Army Command & General Staff College(1989).  
 - "북핵 도전과 한국의 응전전략," <군사논단> 제112호(2022, 겨울호).
 - "한미동맹 공동 비전의 안보분야 협력 이행방향," <외교안보연구> 제6권 제1호 (2013).
 - "Building a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula and The Future of UNC," The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, vol.31, no.4 (Dec 2019). 
 - "The Transition of Wartime Operational Control Entering for New Era," The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, vol.33, no.1 (Mar 2020). 
주요저서  - <전작권 전환과 국가안보> (서울: 도서출판 매봉, 2022).
 - <피스 크리에이션:한미동맹과 평화창출>(파주: 한울아카데미, 2020).
 - <통일한국의 도전과 결기>(서울: 지식과감성, 2015).
 - <한국의 구심력 외교안보정책>(서울: 지식과감성, 2014)
 - South Korea: The Korean War, Armistice Structure, and a Peace Regime(LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2020). 
학회활동 한국국제정치학회, 한국군사학회, 한국국가정보학회 정회원